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Julia Senser

A play sofa offers more than a classic piece of furniture or a toy - it is a place for imagination, learning and growth. All-round support for children : A...

Meine Erfahrungen mit dem Wonderwuzz Spielsofa

Meine Erfahrungen mit dem Wonderwuzz Spielsofa

By Julia Senser

Erfahrungsbericht unserer Kundin: Wonderwuzz Spielsofa ab dem Krabbelalter   Wir lieben unser Spielsofa seit der ersten Minute. Als ich auf Instagram das Spielsofa entdeckt habe,...

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Erziehung mit Herz und Verstand: Unsere Philosophie hinter dem Wonderwuzz Spielsofa

Erziehung mit Herz und Verstand: Unsere Philosophie hinter dem Wonderwuzz Spielsofa

By Julia Senser

In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt, in der Kinder immer früher und intensiver mit neuen Reizen konfrontiert werden, ist es wichtiger denn je, ihnen einen sicheren...

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Energie verbrennen mit unseren favorite Wonderwuzz MOVE-Figuren

Burn energy with our favorite Wonderwuzz MOVE figures

By Julia Senser

Autumn is here and brings with it colder and wetter days. Playing outside and burning off children's energy is becoming more and more challenging and...

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Unsere liebsten PLAY-Bauwerke aus der Wonderwuzz-Welt

Our favorite PLAY buildings from the Wonderwuzz world

By Julia Senser

The children's room is a place full of adventure, imagination and limitless creativity for children. Here, everyday objects are transformed into exciting toys, the sofa...

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RELAXen mit WONDERWUZZ: Entspannte Momente für Kinder und Eltern

RELAX with WONDERWUZZ: Relaxed moments for children and parents

By Julia Senser

Playing is one of the most beautiful and important activities for children. It lets the imagination flow, promotes creativity and strengthens social bonds. But after...

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8 Tipps, um die Selbstständigkeit deines Kleinkindes zu fördern

8 tips to promote your toddler's independence

By Julia Senser

This is how you can support your toddler in his independence As you move from baby to toddler, your little adventurer not only goes through...

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Sechs Gründe warum jedes Kinderzimmer ein Wonderwuzz Spielsofa braucht

Six reasons why every child's room needs a Wonderwuzz play sofa

By Julia Senser

A play sofa offers more than a classic piece of furniture or a toy - it is a place for imagination, learning and growth. All-round...

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Gemeinsam und doch individuell: Spielsofa im Geschwisterzimmer

Together and yet individual: play sofa in the siblings' room

By Julia Senser

In many families, siblings not only share their memories and adventures, but also their room. Especially in toddlers, it is often the case that siblings...

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Zwei Kinderzimmer oder ein gemeinsames Schlaf- und Spielzimmer?

Two children's rooms or a shared bedroom and playroom?

By Julia Senser

Designing children's living spaces is an important decision for parents to create an optimal environment for their children's development. A common question is whether you...

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