Zwei Kinderzimmer oder ein gemeinsames Schlaf- und Spielzimmer?

Two children's rooms or a shared bedroom and playroom?

Posted by Julia Senser on

Designing children's living spaces is an important decision for parents to create an optimal environment for their children's development. A common question is whether you should set up two separate children's rooms or a shared bedroom and playroom.

A decisive factor when choosing between two children's rooms and a shared bedroom and playroom is the age of the children. Young children, especially those of toddler and preschool age, usually do well sleeping together in the same room. This can even have benefits, such as strengthening sibling bonds and overcoming fears together at night.

However, with older children it may be more difficult to accommodate them in a shared space. As children grow older, they develop their own character, preferences and needs. It can therefore be advantageous to provide each child with their own room to ensure individual space and privacy.

A playroom can encourage children's creativity and provide them with a place to let their imagination run wild. In a separate playroom, children have the opportunity to spread out their toys and materials and concentrate on their game without distractions. They also learn to take responsibility for the order and cleanliness of their play area.

A shared playroom can also strengthen siblings' social skills as they learn to play together, resolve conflicts, and respond to each other's needs.

We remain big fans of the division into bedrooms and playrooms and hope that our boys will continue to see it that way for a long time!

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