Vom Kuscheln, Toben und Entspannen  – die ideale Wohnlandschaft für kleine Leute

From cuddling, running around and relaxing – the ideal living area for little people

Posted by Julia Senser on

Last but not least, the restricted everyday life during the Corona period impressively demonstrated to us parents the importance of promoting exercise through a variety of play opportunities in the home environment. From one day to the next there were no more distractions at daycare, no meeting up with little or big friends on the playground and no running around together in the garden. The family and the variety within our own four walls became all the more crucial. The right interior in the children's room was - and is - crucial. Even after the pandemic subsides, physical activity and meaningful activity at home remain important.

Children like to use the comfortable couch area in the living room as an additional playground on cozy family afternoons or exciting TV evenings. Despite all understanding, at some point we have to set limits on the little ones' urge to move. How practical if the play sofa is already waiting for you in your own room as an even better alternative!

Every parent knows this: the activity and inventiveness of children seem limitless. They climb, build caves or hiding places and love “slides” of all kinds. What the playground and daycare facilities provide as standard can also be implemented – in a slightly different form – at home. With high-quality and versatile furniture such as a sofa especially for the little ones, bad weather days or being at home “forced” by illness lose some of their horror. A modular play sofa, i.e. consisting of several parts, like the WONDERWUZZ, offers a surprising variety - and last but not least, it's just fun for the kids.

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